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Rider Guidelines

  • DART wait time could be between 1 minute to 1 hour depending how busy it is, plan accordingly.
  • There is only a 3 minute wait time at each pick up, if no-one comes out by then you will be charged for a no show, so make sure you call and cancel if the ride is no longer needed.
  • Three consecutive no-shows will result in termina­tion of future scheduled rides until account is settled with the office
  • Have the correct fare. Payment is required when boarding the bus. Drivers do not carry change. NO charges or credits (over payment tracking) are avail­able.
  • If you have an appointment or other timed event you must call no less than an hour prior to ensure proper transportation.
  • Seat belt usage is highly recommended for the riders safety.
  • No eating or drinking on the bus
  • Profanity, vulgar or obscene signs or gestures will not be tolerated. Bus right can be terminated.
  • Firearms or weapons CAN NOT be brought on the bus. Same goes for
    flammables and explosives.
  • Passengers are responsible for their own items.
  • Service Animals are allowed but all other animals must be in a proper carrier or muzzled.
  • Passengers MUST NEVER cross in front of the bus.
  • Passengers must remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop
  • All mobility devices must be properly secured
  • All strollers must be collapsed and kept with the rider. Bicycles may be transported if securement is available, however the is an additional fare. Exces­sive carry-on items may have additional fares. Speak with dispatcher regarding charges.
  • These are basic guidelines other rules may apply.
    Check our FAQ page for more information.Please call 989-354-2487 if you have any questions or concerns.

Student Riding Policy 2024-2025

TBTA is curb to curb service, therefore; students will be required to meet the bus at the end of their driveway unless special accommodations have been arranged ahead of time.

For the safety and comfort of all riders all passengers must:

  • Remain seated with seatbelts fastened until reaching your destination.
  • Abstain from throwing anything on or from the bus. No fighting, spitting, or other abusive behavior will be allowed.
  • Keep voices at a low, respectable level. (The driver must be able to hear the radio and
  • communicate with the dispatch office, as well as focus on safe driving).
  • Abstain from changing seats once on the bus.
  • Be ready when the bus arrives. The bus will only wait (3) minutes at each stop. All pick up times are approximate; cancellations make the bus early and “no shows” will make them late. Students or the parents must call in to cancel their rides or you will be charged a “no show”.
  • Do not eat, drink, or smoke on the bus.
  • Do not use profanity or obscene gestures/language.
  • Weapons of any kind are prohibited on the bus.
  • Any deliberate damage to buses will result in immediate, permanent suspension.
  • Bus drivers watch to make sure the rider is able to get inside when being dropped off, but are not required to do anything beyond that. In the event that a rider is undeliverable they will remain on the bus until someone is reached to meet with the bus at another drop off location or back at our facility. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to make all proper arrangements, ifTBTA is unable to locate parent/guardian after the bus has made it back to our facility the Police will be contacted.

In the event that the above rules are violated, the following steps will be taken (depending on the severity of the offense):

  • Violation #1 -A warning will be issued to the student and the parent/guardian notified.
  • Violation #2 – The student will be taken immediately home or returned to the school, and his/her riding privileges will be suspended for up to S days, depending on the infraction. Parent/guardian will be notified, and the parent/guardian and student must meet with TBTA before the student’s riding privileges are reinstated.
  • Violation #3 – The student will be returned immediately to the school or home and riding privileges will be suspended for the remainder of the school year.


  • Payment is mandatory when boarding the bus. We will not transport children that are without money or a tripper pass.
  • Have the exact bus fare/coupon in hand when boarding the bus. Drivers do not make change.
  • Coupon booklets can be purchased from our office or from the bus driver. Tripper passes can be purchased in our office or over the phone by credit/debit. Checks must be made out to TBTA. We also accept VISA and MasterCard at the office
  • We do not offer refunds or credits. There is no paying ahead other than with the purchase of a tripper pass. Failure to pay for 3 no shows or unpaid trips will result in cancellation of future trips. Reinstatement will only be made when all unpaid balances are paid in full at the TBTA office.
  • Students on a recurring ride with three consecutive “no shows” will be removed from the schedule.
  • If we get to the school and you have not called us in advance to take your child, your child will be sent back into the school office to contact you. We will not be calling you and the bus will not be able to wait,

Changes in schedule:

  • It is the responsibility of the parents to call in advance with changes to the student’s schedule.
  • It is not necessary to call TBTA to cancel on the days when school is not in session, as TBTA uses the school calendar to cancel off days this includes snow days as well.
  • All changes MUST be called into the office. The drivers do not make schedule changes. We also encourage you to use our voicemail if you need to call in a cancellation after 5pm, before 6am, or over the weekends.

TBTA will make every effort to assure all requested rides will be accommodated, but realize that some rides may not be accommodated, as buses are limited.