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ON AUGUST 6, 2024

When will the voting take place on the Alpena Dial-A-Ride public transportation system proposal?

On August 6, 2024, City of Alpena residents will vote on a ballot proposal to levy 1 mill to fund TBTA operations for bus service until December 2028.

How will the millage impact residents of Alpena?

Public transportation provides people with mobility and access to employment, community resources, medical care, and recreational opportunities.  It benefits those who choose to ride as well as those that have no other choice.

How many people use the Dial-A-Ride yearly?

In 2023 nearly 100,000 rides were provided, with roughly 75% of those rides being Alpena City residents.  Those numbers continue to increase.

How does the Dial-A-Ride work?

All Dial-A-Ride buses are lift equipped and will pick you up at your front door and take you any place you want to go in the City of Alpena and the commercial and residential areas in Alpena Township adjacent to the city.  Call 989-356-4596 to book your ride!

What does it cost to use the Dial-A-Ride?

Within the city limits of Alpena:

  • $1.50 for adults under 60 years of age
  • 0.75 for senior citizens, children 14 years of age and under, and disabled individuals

Within the commercial and residential sections adjacent to Alpena but outside the city limits:

  • $3.00 for adults under 60 years of age
  • $1.50 for senior citizens, children 14 years of age and under, and disabled individuals

Individuals residing in the Dial-A-Ride service area over the age of 90 are free!

Has the millage for the Alpena Dial-A-Ride ever been approved by the City of Alpena voters previously?

Yes, millages have been passed supporting the public transportation since 1974.

What does TBTA plan to provide if the millage is approved?

  • Continue to deliver safe, high quality, efficient, and reliable transportation services in our region.
  • Provide essential transportation for seniors, students, and persons with disabilities linking people and communities to health, wellness, and education opportunities.
  • Connect people to jobs that support and grow our local economy including healthcare, the service industry, retail, and manufacturing.

What will happen to the Alpena Dial-A-Ride if the millage does not pass?

If the millage isn’t approved, the present level of service would have to be substantially cut or the system would have to be eliminated.

Vote on August 6th, 2024!